What Happens if Command Cloud is Not Right For My Agency?

A collection of years' worth of inmate data is invaluable. But if you terminate the partnership with the vendor who safeguards it, what happens next?



Alyssa Pfaff |
Product Marketing Specialist
Kenzie Koch |
Marketing Team Leader
5 min read

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Suppose your facility implements GUARDIAN RFID’s Command Cloud and later determines it’s not the right fit for your operations. In that case, you’ll wonder what’s going to happen to the months or years’ worth of data you’ve collected. Fear not because in this blog, we’ll cover:

  • Data ownership

  • Termination of service

  • Termination for cause

  • Termination for convenience

  • Accessing your data


You Own Your Data

If your agency decides to discontinue GUARDIAN RFID in your facility and your use of Command Cloud - regardless of whether you’re terminating for cause or convenience – your data is always yours. GUARDIAN RFID is legally required to deliver, or make accessible in whichever format you choose, any information regarding the data captured with our software to you. 

Below is the exact language from our system agreement regarding Inmate Data and Personnel: 

(d) Inmate Data and Personnel. The Customer owns any inmate management, monitoring, and tracking data collected as part of the Command Cloud System (“Inmate Data”) and any Customer’s personnel data collected as part of the Command Cloud System (“Customer Personnel Data”). Prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement, the Customer may access the Inmate Data and Customer Personnel Data by either running a report on Command Cloud Subscription Services and exporting the Inmate Data and Customer Personnel Data, or requesting that GUARDIAN RFID run a report, at no additional expense to the Customer, and send the Customer the Inmate Data and Customer Personnel Data. Unless otherwise directed by the Customer, GUARDIAN RFID will maintain a copy of the Inmate Data and Customer Personnel Data for up to one (1) year after expiration or termination of this Agreement. Upon request of the Customer made within one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, GUARDIAN RFID will run a report and send the Customer the Inmate Data and Customer Personnel Data in spreadsheet form.

It’s important to note that by ending your service of Command Cloud, you’ll be among an exceptionally small number of agencies who have terminated their agreement with GUARDIAN RFID. In fact, our total annual attrition rate is less than .006% per year. We take pride in the sheer volume of Warrior reference sites we have nationwide.

Years ago (we’re talking pre-2014), if you wanted to cancel your service, we would have likely backed up your data onto a USB external hard drive or flash drive and snail-mailed it to you. We can still accommodate this delivery method if that’s your preference, or we can make your data downloadable (which is typically the preferred method).

In terms of file format, our team can support any format you prefer, including comma-delimited files. Comma-delimited is a text file format that uses commas to separate values and newlines to separate records. It's also known as comma-separated values (CSV).

Some may opt for XML files, which is a file format that uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) to store, transmit, and reconstruct data. XML is a markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a way that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

We can also support JSON and RTF (rich text file) as alternative options. If you have another preferred format, please let us know. 



GUARDIAN RFID retains ownership of various assets, including our user guides and other materials used to train or educate your team on our system. We also protect our intellectual capital, such as source code, trademarks, service marks, and patents.


How Do I Notify GUARDIAN RFID of Service Termination?

To terminate our service, please provide a written notice at least 60 days before your renewal. You can send your notification via email to your JailOps Account Manager or mail it to our headquarters at: 


ATTN: JailOps 

6900 Wedgwood N. 

Maple Grove, MN 55311.


What is Termination for Cause?

Termination for cause occurs when GUARDIAN RFID has breached any provision of our agreement. In such cases, you would agree to provide GUARDIAN RFID with a reasonable timeframe–typically 60 days–to address the breach. If you believe we’ve acted in good faith and the resolution requires more than these 60 days, we may compromise and agree to a reasonable extension. If, after that period, we’ve not resolved the breach, you’re well within your rights to terminate.

GUARDIAN RFID has a similar provision for our customers: In the event a customer breaches any part of our agreement, GUARDIAN RFID possesses the right to terminate the agreement as well.


What is Termination for Convenience?

Termination for convenience allows your agency to end the contract without a breach of any provision of our agreement. Instead, there’s simply a change in direction potentially due to a change in leadership, strategy, technology, etc. While you are welcome to terminate for convenience, please be aware that any outstanding open fees at the time of termination will be due in full immediately.

It’s important to note that termination for convenience is a rare event. The only circumstances allowing termination unrelated to a breach in any provision are acts of God. For instance, we’ve had jails that have experienced a 100-year flood or severe storm damage that resulted in the jail ceasing its operations for months or permanently. In those situations, we simply end services based on Force Majeure Event.

Based on our core values, commitment to each agency, and operating history, we expect that we work with Warriors for life. However, we understand that circumstances can change long-term plans, and you may choose to end your use of GUARDIAN RFID software. Please know that we are here to support you, even if you choose to move on. We’ll work with you to ensure the timely delivery of your data using your preferred format and method.