GUARDIAN RFID Blog - Helpful articles and tips about inmate tracking

How to Test Your SPARTAN and Hard Tags

Written by Kenzie Koch | Sep 3,2024

Correctional officers regularly monitor inmates' whereabouts, actions, behaviors, meals, supplies, and other tasks as part of their daily responsibilities. Thus, effective inmate tracking is paramount to maintaining a safe and secure facility.

To ease the burden on officers, advanced technological tools have been introduced to streamline operations and enhance the efficiency and accuracy of inmate tracking. For example, devices like GUARDIAN RFID’s SPARTAN paired with Hard Tags adequately track everything related to inmate activities. 

So, how can an agency properly test the functionality and ensure all data is being captured?

This blog highlights three simple steps to effectively test a SPARTAN device and Hard Tags to verify that the facility’s safety and security are under control.

1. Log into a SPARTAN 

The first step is the easiest: turn on your SPARTAN by pressing the power button located on the upper right side of the device. If the screen is still black after pressing the power button, press and hold for at least three seconds, or until the Bluebird logo appears.  

Once you see the home page on the SPARTAN, click on the Mobile Command XR logo and tap Use Password. Next, use the username and password provided by your Project Manager to log into your Mobile Comand XR account. The device will begin syncing and bring you to the main screen, as shown below.


2. Test the Tag Locations

Now that your device is powered up and you have reached the home screen, it’s time to test out the Hard Tags. Once you reach any location with mounted Hard Tags, follow these four steps: 

  1. Tap the Mobile Compliance Monitor module in the bottom right of the notification tray (it looks like an arrow pointing downward). 

  2. Scan a Hard Tag by holding the device vertically directly in front of the tag. 

    1. The NFC reader is located right behind the top of the hand strap towards the top of the device, and when the SPARTAN is held vertically, the scan should register within 1-2 inches of the Hard Tag.

  3. Confirm that the correct location appears on the SPARTAN’s screen, and take note of any incorrect location names or inconvenient tag locations. 

  4. Before leaving any area with Hard Tags, tap the Swipe to Close button at the bottom of the screen. 

    PLEASE NOTE: While in an area with Hard Tags, if at any point the sync cloud icon in the top right corner of the screen stays green or changes to red instead of white, make a note of the specific housing unit as it could indicate connectivity concerns.

3. Perform a Trial Run with an Inmate 

After confirming the SPARTAN device and Hard Tags are working correctly, it’s time to test out the data-capturing process with an inmate’s name. When walking through the facility, repeat the following four steps on each Hard Tag: 

  1. On the SPARTAN device, tap the Observations module in the top left corner. 

  2. Begin scanning a Hard Tag by holding the device vertically and directly in front of the tag as the sensor is located behind the top of the hand strap. 

  3. Confirm that the correct inmate(s) name(s) appear on the SPARTAN’s screen and make a note if the inmate count is incorrect.
    PLEASE NOTE: If no inmates appear on the screen, you’ve likely scanned an empty location. Not to worry! You can move on to the next tag. Keep in mind that if one inmate is assigned to a location, you will see the inmate’s name above the WordBlocks. 

  4. Tap the Android back arrow button on the SPARTAN and return to the “Ready to Scan” screen. 

Inmate tracking technology that works properly has streamlined and optimized correctional facilities by providing clear results from enhanced data capture. Conducting routine tests and maintenance on inmate tracking tools ensures they are working correctly and accurately. With thorough testing on SPARTAN devices and Hard Tag connectivity, daily operations have better confidence to perform effectively and enhance overall facility security.