Prison Guard vs. Corrections Officer: What’s the Difference?

Language and terminology hold immense power, especially when considering job titles and terms associated with the corrections industry. For titles like guard and officer to gain the respect they deserve, there must be a shift outside the industry.

Kenzie Koch
8 min read

Over the years, we have increasingly become more aware of the power of terminology. Whether to describe someone's education level, job title, or personal feature, terminology holds power in terms of respect and perception. The same goes for terminology within the corrections industry. Inmates and staff alike have specific terminology that is respective to their role within the facility.

Job titles have powerful meanings behind them, so ensuring the correct terminology preserves respect. In the corrections industry, titles hold immense power within and outside the facility’s walls. For example, “guard” and “officer” do not equate each other. Despite what movies and TV shows may imply, the terms “prison guard” and “corrections officer” hold different meanings and connotations. 

Specific terms resonate more with emotions and respect in both our personal and professional lives. This blog explores the power of language and its potential to shape outside perceptions and cultivate a more compassionate view surrounding the corrections profession.

The Power of Terminology 

Knowingly being under intense surveillance, corrections professionals are trained to fulfill their daily tasks without bias. Regardless of the severity of the crimes committed by the offenders they engage with, correctional staff are trained to focus on the care, custody, and control of their offenders. They must avoid being distracted by why the offenders were court-ordered to their facility in the first place. 

Hypothetically, if staff allowed their emotions to interfere with their job and got caught up in why the offenders are in their custody, staff could easily start viewing the inmates in the same light as the crime committed. But instead of addressing offenders with terms such as “thieves,” “pedophiles”, or “murderers”, staff must remain professional with the unified terms of “inmates” or “offenders,” depending on the terminology their facility supports and encourages. However, some would argue that those titles aren’t good enough and need updating. 

To some, the title “inmate” is impersonal and carries a negative connotation that contributes to the stigmatization of incarcerated individuals. Just as some people think the term “homeless” should be changed to “individuals who are experiencing homelessness,” there are some people who believe that the word “inmate” should be changed to “incarcerated individual”. To counter the negative connotation some associate “inmate” with, “incarcerated individual” promotes a more respectful and humanizing language. 

Regardless of the debate on whether these proposed language changes are politically correct or justified, this topic raises the question of how we should address the professionals who weren’t court-ordered to serve time but rather uphold the custody of those who were. If those who fight for a more empathetic language geared toward offenders can see a massive differentiation between the labels “inmates” and  “incarcerated individuals,” it begs the question of whether they are also able to grasp the difference between the titles “prison guard” or “jailer” and “corrections officer.”

corrections officer protective vest


Shaping Perspectives

The labels, titles, and words we use (intentionally or not) shape our perspective of those we refer to. When we use the word “inmate,” we may automatically think of a tatted-up male in a bright orange jumpsuit. Is this a fair assumption? Of course not. This is a stigmatized image that doesn’t apply to most offenders. 

The same mind-wandering imagination happens when we hear “prison guard”, which automatically triggers thoughts of the last prison-related movie we watched. This paints a picture of the tall, muscular men wearing all-black uniforms, helmets, and holding batons. No matter what you imagine, most can agree that the term “prison guard” leads the mind to imagine a more masculine, controlling, rough-around-the-edges authoritative figure. Just like the first image to come to mind when thinking of an “inmate” isn’t completely accurate, neither is the first ideation of a prison guard. 

Now, if you think of an “incarcerated individual,” maybe you first imagine someone in a dayroom reading a book or attending a rehabilitative class. The term sounds less threatening. The same goes for thinking of what a “corrections officer” is like. While we may still stir up thoughts of someone with power and strength, the title “corrections officer” doesn’t provide the same grittiness of imagination. The title “corrections officers” implies a more professional, compassionate, and responsible figure. 

While any title including the word “guard” shifts the mind to think of a controlling figure, the word “correction” in a title leans a bit more positively. Making that distinction between these two job titles is the first step in perceiving corrections officers correctly and respectfully. 

Rehabilitation Takes a Team

Historically, correctional facilities were viewed as a punitive approach to stripping the rights and privacy away from those who broke the law. Being sentenced to jail or prison was a form of punishment, to be confined away from the real world. This era was when the title “prison guard” was accepted as the norm, and it fit the bill nicely as it didn’t convey a very positive connotation. However, times have since changed. 

Our understanding of the criminal justice system and approach to incarceration has vastly evolved. Today, many correctional facilities host classes, programs, and resources to help offenders correct and reform their behaviors before reentering society. Instead of being an institution solely for punishment, jails, prisons, and juvenile detention centers across the country have adapted the shift in the philosophy of incarceration: changing “punishment” to “rehabilitation”, with the end goal of lowering recidivism and preparing individuals for re-entering society. 

Hence the word “correction” in “corrections officer,” staff are trained to have a sense of responsibility for the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. While learning from their mistakes and preparing for a productive life outside the bars is up to each offender, staff are available to help teach skills and commit to the idea that incarceration should be a means to correct and reform, rather than punish. 

Transitioning the title “prison guard” to “corrections officer” reflects the ever-developing expectations of those who work within the walls. To become a corrections officer, there are several different series of comprehensive training that extend beyond just security measures. From conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques to counseling practices and reformative efforts, the title “corrections officer” better encapsulates the diverse skill set of those expected to help “correct.” The shift in terminology emphasizes the staff’s efforts in supporting offenders’ growth and development rather than just “guard” them. 



Promoting Professional Synergy 

The media has historically framed correctional environments to have an extreme “officer versus offender” atmosphere, but this typically isn’t the case. While some facilities are more in control than others depending on the agency policies and offender behaviors, most facilities have a common ground between the staff and offenders - mutual respect.

This foundation of respect is built by officers and offenders practicing more humanizing language with each other. An offender referred to by their name or “offender” will likely have more respect for an officer versus an officer who refers to the offender by the number written on their uniform. The same goes for officers. An inmate referring to an officer as “Sergeant Smith” will foster more respect than another offender who refers to the officer as “guard,” or another vulgar name from their colorful vocabulary.

Speaking from experience at my previous facility, I know that being called a ‘guard’ would infuriate the officers. It was a big sign of disrespect from the offenders as they knew to refer to the officers as ‘Officers.’ Being referred to as a ‘guard’ was a subtle way of calling the officers unintelligent babysitters.

Stormy VanCleve, GUARDIAN RFID Project Manager
8 years corrections experience

Not only do the officers themselves benefit from the title shift “prison guard” to “corrections officer” as it promotes a much more professional and responsible position, but offenders also synergically benefit from the transition. To have a title influenced by legal and ethical practices, “corrections officer” reinforces the idea that there are professionals in the industry who work towards making a difference in the offenders' lives, commit to upholding the law, and promote positive change. So, adopting respectful language inside any correctional setting can contribute to a more rehabilitative and restorative approach for everyone involved.

During the many years I worked within the walls, I made the conscious decision to address offenders by their names in hopes of giving them a sense of feeling as ‘human’ as possible. In return, I would expect the same respect from an offender when addressing myself or a fellow brother and sister in uniform as their rank and last name. Knowing how to effectively communicate with offenders, especially by utilizing humanizing titles, helped ensure natural respect between those on each side of the bars, not to mention provide a key tool in changing the offenders’ cognitive thinking in their rehabilitation process.

Tim Higgins II, GUARDIAN RFID Account Executive
18 years corrections experience


A job title isn’t just a matter of semantics; it reflects how a role is viewed from outside perspectives. Whether it evokes a positive or negative sentiment, the name of a professional role provides a glimpse into what that position is responsible for. By actively shaping public perception, emphasizing professionalism, highlighting the commitment to rehabilitation, and recognizing the legal and ethical obligations within the corrections system, the title upgrade from “prison guard” to “corrections officer” symbolizes the transformation of how attitudes and practices (inside and outside of facility walls) can foster a more respectful work environment, ultimately contributing to a safer facility for all.