Demanding work hours, overcrowding, occupational danger, noncompetitive compensation., staffing shortages, and burnout are only a few of the reasons why the turnover rate in the corrections industry is at an all-time high. In fact, the American Correctional Association has researched turnover rates and found that on average, an estimated 35,700 openings for correctional officers and bailiffs are expected each year because of high staff turnover (American Correctional Association, 2023, Pg. 2).
All positions in a jail or prison facility feel the wrath of turnover. From the administration to the front line, when staff watch their peers drop like flies it’s no wonder the loss of motivation and productivity can spread like wildfire. Not only are the mindsets of staff challenged, but they are left questioning what the future holds for the facility, and themselves. Their minds spin with thoughts like, “I’m so overwhelmed with my workload, how quickly will the open positions be filled?” and “Will the positions be filled just to be filled or will they be filled with quality individuals?”
This blog explores these questions while providing tips to hire new, quality staff while nourishing existing staff’s skillsets.
If you're a recruiter or have been involved in the hiring process, you're likely familiar with the high stress and pressure that come with filling positions. It often feels like the facility has become a revolving door, with one person leaving just as another is brought in. Hiring is challenging on its own, but finding the "right" candidates makes the process even more arduous. Recruiters, trainers, administrators, and front-line officers all understand that not just anyone can work in corrections; it requires a very specific type of person who can manage the demands of the role.
Unfortunately, unfit applications continue to pour in, making it challenging to sift through and find the ideal candidate—especially when trying to fill the position quickly. What should a recruiter do when they feel they lack a solid selection of candidates but face a tight deadline? Should they "make do" with what they have, or wait for the next batch of applicants in hopes of a better fit? The answer depends on the facility's needs, including the type of role and the urgency of filling it. Nevertheless, most facilities follow a general guideline for entry-level positions: prioritize candidates with growth potential.
What to Look For
So, what does “potential” look like? First, let's clarify what we mean by “potential.” We're not referring to candidates who might eventually become a good fit after extensive training. Instead, we’re talking about individuals who have a solid foundation with a few areas for improvement. Of course, skilled trainers can take a candidate who may seem like the "runt of the litter" and help them become a valuable team member. But why put trainers through that extra effort when it’s possible to select applicants who already possess good values, a strong work ethic, and integrity? Those are the candidates who show real potential.
These individuals should be prioritized for hiring, as they come with a strong foundation and room to grow. Realistically, we know that applications from the "perfect" candidate are extremely rare—those who have earned a Purple Heart, hold three Master's degrees, and prefer to work weekends. While this ideal may exist, encountering such candidates is as rare as spotting a unicorn. However, finding a quality application with potential is much more realistic, even if it sometimes feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. It’s well worth the wait.
As you narrow down the applications to those with potential, it's crucial to assess their level of integrity. Understanding whether they are honest and possess strong moral principles can help determine if they will contribute positively to your team. One effective way to gauge a candidate's integrity is to ask if they believe 99% is good enough. Present them with a scenario where a new officer is responsible for completing rounds and realizes, just as they finish, that they skipped over the assumed empty cell on the other side of the pod.
In this situation, the administrators are too overwhelmed to confirm whether the cell is indeed empty. What should the officer do? Should they go check the empty cell or complete their round at 99%? Their answer can be a strong indicator of whether they are worth considering for hire. After all, if they can’t be trusted to complete the smallest tasks, how can they be trusted with larger responsibilities? It's often the small things that require the highest level of accountability.
Candidates must recognize that they will encounter ethical challenges in this job. They will face moments where they might be tempted to take shortcuts for their own convenience instead of fully fulfilling their duties. How a candidate responds to this scenario should serve as a green or red light for their potential hire. A poor candidate might say that 99% is good enough, while a quality candidate understands that shortcuts misuse their authority and can erode the trust they’ve built with their team, ultimately leading to an unsafe environment for everyone.
You Found the Right Fit: What’s Next?
Once a candidate with potential has been selected, it’s up to the rest of the team to take the new hire under their wing and show them the ropes of the facility. Hiring someone with potential indicates that they have room for growth, and it’s essential for team members to help these newcomers develop into the officers the team needs. Team members should lead by example to encourage the new hires to thrive in their roles.
Bringing in a new employee also provides the entire team with fresh perspectives, as new hires often bring unique outlooks that can uncover special niches or strengths beneficial to the whole team. Sharing new talents can help identify and fill gaps that may have gone unnoticed.
It's crucial for long-time officers to intentionally focus on the positives while onboarding new recruits. There will undoubtedly be times of frustration during this process—officers may need to repeat themselves and offer various pointers while explaining daily operations. However, it's important to recognize the difference between the temporary annoyances that come with training a quality new hire and realizing that a recruit may not be a good fit and is only there for the paycheck.
In such cases, the training officer must inform administration that the new hire is unsuitable for the role and should be released. Sometimes, administration may hesitate to let a new hire go, fearing the difficulty of refilling the position. However, when they consider the bigger picture, they will see that it’s not just about filling seats. This profession requires a special kind of individual, and those are the people who deserve to be in those roles.
With the high turnover rates affecting facilities nationwide, administrators often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place—either they retain subpar officers to avoid another hiring process or recognize the need for quality personnel and make the tough decision to let the inadequate ones go. The solution is clear: always prioritize quality over quantity. While this may require some adjustments, it’s important to approach these changes with grace.
Think back to when you started as a new hire. You likely remember those in higher positions adopting a “my way or the highway” attitude. Such mindsets often do not foster the best leadership. If you want your new staff to grow into leaders, you and your team must model effective leadership behaviors.
If your team embodies this positive mindset, you're in good hands. However, if you know there are individuals who fall short of being effective leaders, it’s up to you to be the change you want to see. To help a new recruit become a quality officer, you must lead by being a quality leader yourself.
Where Does Leadership Come In
Quality leaders recognize other quality leaders because they understand that true leadership isn’t about barking orders. Instead, they value hearing others’ thoughts and opinions before delegating tasks, realizing that their own growth depends on understanding different perspectives. People in high-ranking positions often make decisions that impact their team’s safety and well-being without consulting everyone involved. While this leadership style has always existed—and likely always will—it doesn’t mean it’s effective.
There will always be individuals who abuse their authority. Whether by neglecting to listen to subordinates or using aggressive control methods, many leaders around the world fall short of being quality leaders. This can cause significant harm to any department, as effective leadership is essential to any team structure. A quality team cannot thrive without a quality leader, as it cannot move forward collectively without a solid foundation of trust and respect.
Understanding the value of investing in a team is crucial for any quality leader. They recognize that fostering open-door, engaging dialogues builds trust and respect, demonstrating appreciation for their team’s contributions. Quality leaders understand the importance of having staff who want to work together to form the best possible collective team.
The Importance of Team Mentality
While a quality leader carries a lot of responsibility, it's important to remember that building a strong team of influential individuals isn't solely their duty. Each team member must take ownership and hold themselves accountable. A strong leader can pave the way for the team, but they can’t hold everyone’s hand. Team members need to cultivate their own unwavering mindset. Those with a strong inner dialogue don’t dwell on their failures.
Instead of becoming hesitant after making a mistake, a quality team member views it as a learning opportunity and a stepping stone for growth, boosting their confidence in decision-making. It's crucial to learn how to pick yourself up after a setback and be ready to tackle the task again, offering support to teammates who may be struggling as well.
Think about how you would want your new hire to respond to a difficult situation. Would you prefer them to admit a mistake or run away and hope you don’t find out? Your ideal response should guide your actions during and after challenging situations.When training a new team member, remember that your behavior is likely to be replicated. Each new officer starts with a blank slate, and quality leaders lead by example.
Every jail and prison faces obstacles, each unique to its facility, operations, leadership, team members, and the mindset of individuals. Those who work in corrections need a "growth mindset" to succeed in this industry, and that mindset begins on Day 1. Success doesn’t necessarily mean climbing the ranks; it can look different for everyone.
In corrections, “success” is measured by integrity, dedication, and accountability. From the moment a new officer enters the profession, they must recognize that working in a jail environment can take its toll, and they need to be mentally resilient. To be a correctional officer means upholding the badge you swore to defend, maintaining the line between order and chaos, which can create its own challenges.
Anyone new to this profession should understand that struggling with the job is normal, and it’s perfectly okay to reach out for help when negative thoughts arise. Quality officers recognize that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but an important strength. When faced with a challenge or failure, it’s an opportunity to rise from the ashes.
While we can't control the current staffing crisis or the burnout from constant turnover, we can influence the individuals we bring in and the lessons we teach them. It’s our responsibility as quality leaders and team members to uplift new hires and help them develop into the solid officers we would want to manage our future facilities.
The Office of Correctional Health, American Correctional Association (2023). Staff Recruitment and Retention in Corrections: The Challenge and Ways Forward [PDF].