How to Prevent High-Risk Inmates From Harming Officers

Kenzie Koch
6 min read

Accepting a position to protect America’s Thin Gray Line can come with dangerous scenarios. Correctional officers are trained to take practical measures during these heightened situations to ensure the safety of their facility, staff, and themselves. Not only do the officers have to secure the high-risk inmates, but they also need to protect themselves physically and mentally. And although everything is seemingly out of their control, there are available tools that have their back and keep them as safe as possible.

From technology to restraints, there are ways to preserve the safety and security of the facility and those within it. Restraints aren’t used very often, but when they are, humane control techniques are utilized for inmates with an elevated risk of causing physical or psychological damage to themselves or others. These restraint techniques help maintain safety and security in the facility while protecting the inmate. 

This blog will discuss four types of the most effective restraint devices officers recommend to de-escalate dangerous situations. Note that these methods should only be used appropriately, not as a disciplinary action.

Inmate Protection Techniques

Using restraints involves a much lower level of force than using physical measures such as batons, tasers, or chemical agents. Restraint devices can include handcuffs, leg shackles, hand mitts, belly chains, soft helmets, hobble tethers, restraint straps for ankles, soft restraints, straitjackets, restraint chairs, and restraint boards (Ross, 2008). Of course, there is a time and place for restraints. 

Only trained deputies may use restraints to secure inmates during prisoner transports and medical interventions. This includes court hearings, managing combative prisoners, protecting prisoners and correctional personnel, preventing escapes and self-inflicted injury and injury to others, and the destruction of property. Restraints can only be used for their intended purpose and only for as long as necessary to serve that purpose (Nelson, 2018). 

the wrap restraint device

The Wrap: A restraint designed to stop conflict quickly and provide rapid recovery for both subject and personnel. With fast control achieved, the subject is now restrained comfortably in an upright and seated position for respiratory recovery and receives immediate medical care as needed. For over two decades, the WRAP has saved lives, reduced injuries, and minimized risks for all involved (Safe Restraints Inc.).

the harness restraint

The Harness: Similar to a waist chain restraint but with increased safety and security. This is lighter and easier to store than a metal chain and can’t be manipulated to use as a weapon. Unlike the conventional waist chain, the harness allows for securing the arms and hands behind the subject’s back, in the front, or even one arm or hand to the front and the other to the back. If the individual becomes violent, a full-body restraint can be accomplished by adding the leg restraint (Safe Restraints Inc.).

the cart restraint

The Cart: The Cart provides safe, secure, and comfortable transport for subjects restrained in the wrap or other devices. The subject can receive medical care in the cart while safe transport is provided for all personnel involved (Safe Restraints Inc.).

SPARTAN taking picture of inmate in restraint chair

The Restraint Chair: Uses straps to secure the arms, legs, and torso of an individual seated in an upright position. It is only to be used as a temporary, safe, and humane method of securing an inmate who displays violent or out-of-control behavior that can harm themselves, others, or property.

corrections tactical team with shield

Officer Protection Techniques

For officers to safely secure inmates, they need to be protected themselves, so they aren’t harmed in the process. Most officers carry a taser or electric pulse shield while on duty. However, the real protection comes from the many classes, protection tools, and self-defense strategies all officers were trained with before taking an oath on their badge.

Less Lethal Devices: One of the training classes available to officers is a CERT (Cell Extraction Response Team) class where certified operators train officers how to quickly de-escalate any given scenario with Less Lethal and Distraction Devices that can be deployed in a corrections setting. Although it’s not very often that the CERT team must bombard a riot to take control, having the devices in quick reach is a safety protection measure officers must have access to and be prepared to use in the worst-case scenario. 

Self-Defense: Most mobile tracking technology devices on the market are dependable for their portability and durability. If an officer is in a dangerous scenario, they can even use their mobile device as a weapon in self-defense to protect themselves from harm. The device can be used as a hard, solid object to throw or shield oneself with, similar to a cell phone. 

Escort Policy

Restraints are always used on high-risk inmates whenever they are being transported inside and outside of the facility (with special exceptions such as pregnant women). Whether being escorted from cell to shower, medical to cell, or even recreation time, they may be placed in leg shackles, waist chains, and handcuffs. 

High-risk individuals need at least two officers present when being transported so officers can maintain control of the inmate at all times. Officers are trained to walk at a 45° angle behind the inmate; never beside, directly in front, or directly behind the inmate. In this position, officers have a tactical reaction advantage to any attempted resistance.

officer taking picture of inmate and officer walking with SPARTAN

Mobile Tracking Technology

Inmate transportations constantly occur throughout the day, starting as early as 06:00 and tapering down by 19:00. Lockdown is generally at 22:00. Most inmate movements are court transports, programs, recreation, and work release. Thus, hundreds of inmates can be separated around various locations at any time. So how can staff accurately capture all of these movements, know exactly where an inmate is located, what activity they are doing at all times, and yet not overwhelm the staff? 

Mobile inmate tracking. This technology can communicate information quickly and concisely to all team members. Mobile devices enable quick and in-person logging, allowing staff to log their rounds while observing security rounds, headcount, out-of-cell movements, and supply passes at the point of responsibility. Thanks to the technology's simplicity and user-friendliness, the logs that are being recorded are more descriptive with accurate timestamps and reduced radio chatter.

What it means to protect America’s Thin Gray Line opens a whole can of dangerous possibilities. Having a high-risk situation become a reality isn’t ideal, but (unfortunately) it still happens. Making it important to expect and be prepared for the unexpected. That’s why restraint options are vital to have within near reach in the case of any physical or psychologically damaging incident. 

Not only do correctional officers risk their lives to protect themselves, but also those around them who are creating a dangerous environment. We owe it to them to support the calls they make to get their teams home safely.


Ross, Dr. Darrell L. (2008). Use of Restraints in Corrections and Lessons Learned
Retrieved from:

Nelson, L. Shane (2018). Use of Restraints
Retrieved from:

Safe Restraints Inc.
Retrieved from: