GUARDIAN RFID Blog - Helpful articles and tips about inmate tracking

The Art Behind Inmate Tattoos

Written by Kenzie Koch | Apr 26,2022

It’s easy for an inmate to blend in with the rest of the facility’s population. They’re all wearing the exact same uniform that every other inmate wears. They typically don’t have easy access to hair products or makeup. You can’t wear flashy jewelry, designer belts, or the latest Nike sneakers. In short, inmates don’t have the freedom to dress however they please so most of their identity is based on their body type or race. 

They don’t have the luxury of expressing who they are through clothing or accessories. For inmates who want to lay low and serve their sentence without drawing attention to themselves, looking the same as everyone else isn’t a problem. However, there will always be inmates who want to stick out. To do so, they need to have something bold to show their status. 

So how does that happen? How do they show their individuality? How would they want to be identified by other inmates? What can they do in a facility with limited options? One idea, that also happens to be extremely popular throughout all prisons, is to confidently wear a symbolic tattoo. This blog goes through the various reasonings and meanings behind common inmate tattoos.


Let’s Talk Inmate Tattoos

Whether you’re a fan of tattoos or not, you’ve probably heard of the argument that anyone considering getting a tattoo should know it’s a permanent decision. Thus, any tattoo to consider is a tattoo that should have a deep meaning, even that tattoo you got just to cover up your ex-girlfriend's name. Whether you agree or disagree with this argument, it has a valid point. It’s normal to think that there is consideration behind making a permanent decision, however, there doesn’t necessarily need to be.

When you think about inmates with tattoos, you may think there wasn’t more than two minutes worth of thought that went behind their tattoos. However, don’t be fooled. Inmate tattoos are likely to be the most thoughtful pieces of artwork. Why? Because they are using tattoos to display a sense of identity and individuality, such as a cross tattoo signifying their Christianity.

However, inmates use tattoos to show more than their religious beliefs. Different types of inmate tattoos show what they are serving time for, how long they’ve been behind bars, their possible gang affiliation, etc. In fact, inmate tattoos can sometimes provide hints to officers as to how the inmate views themselves, what gangs they are affiliated with, or what they are capable of.

As a corrections officer, it is important to balance the inmate’s need to display their individuality and the safety and security of the facility. At a minimum, understanding the sometimes hidden meanings behind the tattoo could prevent a dangerous situation in the facility.

Chris Riedmueller
GUARDIAN RFID Product Trainer

How Do Inmates Get Prison Tattoos?

Aside from wanting something symbolic, getting tattoos while incarcerated is a sign in itself. Due to most facilities illegalizing tattooing while serving time, inmates who are determined to get a tattoo have to be sneaky about it. They then have to hide it from staff until it fully heals, that is if they don’t want to be punished for performing illegal acts while locked up. If an inmate is confidently showing off their fresh tattoo in an obvious location, they’re attempting to showcase their “power”. 

Excluding the health concerns of sharing the same needle, there are several dangerous factors of getting tattooed while behind bars. Given prisons don’t have access to a sterilized tattoo shop, inmates have found loopholes to make the ink and needles themselves. The mechanics of the needle movement are typically made up of CD players, pen casings, or guitar strings, whereas the make-shift tattoo machine is made of broken spoons and deodorant labels. 

The motor from a beard trimmer connects to a piece of metal such as scissors, paper clips, or razor (if you’re lucky) to bring the machine to life. The ink is made by saving soot in a cup or carton of liquid and burning the soot over a fire - of course, a makeshift fire that is also illegal. The ashes melt and are mixed with water, urine, or alcohol to create a liquid. It’s a messy process to get a tattoo in prison, but the inmates wear them with pride. Regardless of how dangerous the process is, if an inmate really wants to get a tattoo, they will find a way.

Below are two categories of inmate tattoos that are popular while incarcerated. The first category is “General Tattoos” as they do not correlate with a specific violent gang and the second category is “Gang-Related Tattoos” as they correlate with the gang lifestyle.

General Tattoos

The cobweb tattoo is supposed to represent how a fly feels trapped in a web, similar to how inmates feel trapped in a prison. Usually, this tattoo is worn by those serving a long-term sentence and is commonly found on an inmate's elbow. This placement signifies the inmate has been sitting around for so long on their elbows that a spider made a web. (Photo from TatRing)



The teardrop tattoo is likely one of the most popular tattoos you’ve seen on celebrities, rap artists, or Hollywood movies. This is also one of the most widely recognized prison tattoos as the teardrop signifies murder. Although it has one overarching symbol, the design of the teardrop can have different meanings. For example, if the teardrop is just an outline, it can symbolize an attempted murder. It can also mean that one of the inmate’s friends was murdered and that they are seeking revenge. (Photo from MoMa)



The “three dots'' tattoo is typically found around the eyes and can represent two different meanings. The first of which is Christianity’s holy trinity. Another meaning, which is a complete 180 from the first, means “gang life” but isn’t associated with a particular gang. (Photo from Pinterest)



However, not all “dot” tattoos are alike. For example, the “five dot” tattoo represents time done in prison. The four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner. (Photo from BakLOL)



The clock tattoo is another tattoo often seen on normal civilians but has a deeper meaning behind prison walls. The clock itself symbolizes “doing time” but whether or not the clock has hands represents how long the wearer’s sentence is. Typically, a clock without hands means that they are serving a life sentence. (Photo from Tomatoheart)



A tattoo of playing cards is common throughout many different walks of life. But like all prison tattoos, these tattoos take on a deeper meaning when on an inmate. Cards typically represent gambling, so those who sport the tattoo are indicating that they enjoy gambling. Other times, the pip artwork (spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds) portrays a meaning. For example, the heart speaks as someone looking for a romantic partner. (Photo from Tattoo SEO)



The “EWMN” tattoo can look like a horrible typo at first glance, however, it’s no mistake. The letters mean “Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty” and represent the characteristics of the wearer’s personality as they aren’t remorseful for their crime. This four-lettered tattoo is commonly found on the knuckles of inmate's fingers, purposely visible to serve as a sign. (Photo from TipHero)



Another tattoo that has different meanings is the ACAB tattoo. One meaning is “All Cops Are Bastards” which is worn by inmates who have had bad encounters with law enforcement. Whereas another meaning is “Always Carry A Bible” which is completely different. (Photo from DeviantArt)



The Lock and Key tattoo’s meanings are either a symbol of eternal love or a representation of the Black Guerilla Family. This is a gang known for drug trafficking, auto theft, burglary, and homicide. Many members of the BGF gang have a Lock and Key tattoo to show their loyalty and commitment to the lifestyle. (Photo from TattoosWin)



Gang-Related Tattoos:

Typically these tattoos can be found anywhere on the body but are most often found in highly visible places like the face, hands, or neck to show dominance and make their affiliation well known.

The Aryan Brotherhood makes up 1% of the inmate population across the U.S. and is responsible for 20% of murders that take place inside U.S. prisons. Their tattoos have the “AB” initials standing for the Aryan Brotherhood and are typically accompanied by other Nazi-representing tattoos. (Photo from Southern Poverty Law Center)



The 1488 tattoo is commonly found on white supremacist or Nazi inmates. The 14 represents the fourteen words from a Nazi leader David Lane quote: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children” while the 88 equates to HH (as H is the 8th letter in the alphabet twice) and represents the initials of Heil Hitler. (Photo from Columbia Journalism Review)



Many people in general society have a crown tattoo. Whether it symbolizes “royalty” or “triumph,” it’s commonly seen on normal civilians. But if you look closely, some crown tattoos have a specific number of points that serve a symbolic purpose. More often seen on Hispanic inmates is the five-point ALKN crown tattoo. This tattoo design symbolizes the Latin Kings gang, one of the biggest Hispanic gangs in the U.S., with five points due to the Latin Kings being an affiliate of the People Nation gang, represented by the number five. Sometimes the five-point crown also has the letters ALKN which stands for Almighty Latin Kings Nation. (Photo from FashionBeans)



We’ve all seen someone with a tattoo of their girlfriend’s name or initials, well not all initial tattoos have such an innocent meaning. In prison, the “M” tattoo is a symbol of the Mexican Mafia, otherwise known as “Le Eme,” one of the largest and most ruthless prison gangs in the U.S. Interestingly enough, this gang wasn’t initiated in Mexico, but instead inside American prisons by incarcerated Mexican Americans. (Photo from Pinterest)



Now, if you added the number 13 and the letter S with the M tattoo, then you have a brand-new meaning. The MS 13 tattoo is a symbol of the Mara Salvatrucha gang that is known for its drug dealing and child prostitution rings. (Photo Wikimedia)


Any individual who wants to show off their tattoos will find a way to do so, especially inmates wanting to make a bold statement about themselves. Flaunting their symbolic tattoos is their badge of identity, and they’re proud to show it off to prove their individuality. Understanding the different meanings of inmate tattoos helps identify an inmate's gang affiliation, past crimes, or more innocently, a glimpse into their personal lives. Regardless of the reasoning, these tattoos are worn with pride and are a source of expressing individuality for inmates, whether you agree with them or not.


CorrectionsOne (2014) 15 Prison Tattoos and Their Meanings
Retrieved from:

Jaafari, Joseph (2019) The Underground Art of Prison Tattoos
Retrieved from: